在這舒適的角落,盼望與你分享耶穌基督的奇異恩典、鼓勵、安慰、憐憫、和祂改變生命的教導。 在這舒適的角落,盼望與你一同成長,一同分享祂所賜的豐盛人生。
耶穌說: 「我來了、是要叫人得生命、並且得的更豐盛」 約翰福音10:10下
Sitting in this cozy corner, I hope to share Jesus’ amazing grace, encouragements, comforts, mercy, and His life-transforming teachings with you. In this cozy corner, I hope to grow with you, to share the abundant life that Jesus has given to all of us.
Jesus said: 「I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly」 John 10:10b
Rev. Dr. Joshua Siu